Publicaciones del Equipo de SIGyT
LÓPEZ ANDREU, Francisco Javier et al.:"Protecting Steppe Birds by Monitoring with Sentinel Data and Machine Learning under the Common Agricultural Policy"
LÓPEZ MORALES, Juan Antonio et al.:"Climate-aware and IoT-enabled selection of the most suitable stone fruit tree variety"
LÓPEZ ANDREU, Francisco Javier et al.:"Sentinel-2 images and machine learning as tool for monitoring of the common agricultural policy: Calasparra rice as a case study"
LÓPEZ ANDREU, Francisco Javier et al.: "Monitoring System of the Mar Menor Coastal Lagoon (Spain) and Its Watershed Basin Using the Integration of Massive Heterogeneous Data"
LÓPEZ ANDREU, Francisco Javier et al.:"Deep learning-based time series forecasting models evaluation for the forecast of chlorophyll a and dissolved oxygen in the Mar Menor"
LÓPEZ ANDREU, Francisco Javier et al.:"Monitoring system for the management of the common agricultural policy using machine learning and remote sensing"
LÓPEZ MORALES, Juan Antonio et al.: "Building an interoperable space for smart agriculture"
ERENA ARRABAL, Manuel et al.:"Efectos de la extracción de chaetomorpha linum y ulva spp sobre el estado ecológico del mar menor durante la primavera y verano de 2022"
LÓPEZ ANDREU, Francisco Javier et al.:"Deep Learning-Based Time Series Forecasting Models Evaluation for the Forecast of Chlorophyll a and Dissolved Oxygen in the Mar Menor"
Monitoring System of the Mar Menor Coastal Lagoon (Spain) and Its Watershed Basin Using the Integration of Massive Heterogeneous Data. Sensors
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