Publicaciones del Equipo de Horticultura
LORENZO MÍNGUEZ, Pilar et al.: "Hybrid passive cooling and heating system for Mediterranean greenhouses. Microclimate and sweet pepper crop response"
LORENZO, Pilar et al.: "Hybrid passive cooling and heating system for Mediterranean greenhouses. Microclimate and sweet pepper crop response"
COLLADO-GONZÁLEZ, Jacinta et al.: "Biofortification and Valorization of Celery byproducts Using Selenium and PGPB under Reduced Nitrogen Regimes"
ROMERO MUÑOZ, Miriam et al. : "The use of hydromulching increases yield and quality of drought-stressed artichokes (Cynara cardunculus subsp. scolymus L.(Heigi)) by improving soil properties and plant"
PIÑERO, Mª Carmen et al.: "Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria as Tools to Improve the Growth of Kohlrabi (Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes) Plants in an Aquaponics System"
ROMERO MUÑOZ, Miriam et al.: "El uso de hidroacolchados ecológicos en cultivos hortícolas como alternativa al acolchado con plástico"
SÁNCHEZ-GUERRERO CANTÓ, Mª Cruz et al.: "Adecuación climática en invernadero mediante sistemas pasivos de humectación y calefacción"
GÁLVEZ, A. et al.: "El uso de nuevos materiales de cubierta fotoselectivos induce respuesta diferenciales de desarrollo vegetativo en plantas de tomates cherry"
PIÑERO, Mª Carmen et al.: "Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria for Aquaponics as a New Strategy That Grants Quality and Nutrient Efficiency in Kohlrabi Cultivation"
COLLADO GONZÁLEZ, Jacinta et al.:"Plant growth-promoting bacteria as affected by N availability as a suitable strategy to enhance the nutritional composition of lamb's lettuce affected by global warming"
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