Publicaciones del Equipo de Mejora de Cítricos
Estudio sobre la maximización del beneficio de las empresas productoras de limones teniendo en cuenta la fecha de cosecha de los frutos.
Effect of mechanical pruning on the yield and quality of Fortune mandarins.
Limonero, pomelo y lima. En: La Fruticultura del siglo XXI en España.
The degreening of lemon and grapefruit in ethylene atmosphere.
Influence of temperature and net radiation on the natural degreening process of grapefruit (Citrus paradisi Macf.) cultivars Rio Red and Star Ruby.
A fuzzy approach to the loss of green colour in lemon (Citrus lemon L. Burm. f.) rind during ripening.
Relation between temperature and the beginning of peel color change in grapefruit (Citrus paradisi Macf.).
Efficient propagation and rooting of three citrus rootstocks using different plant growth regulators.
Efficient In Vitro Propagation and Rooting of Citrus Rootstocks Adult Explants.
Radiosensitivity of Seeds and Nodal Segments of Citrus Rootstocks Irradiated In Vitro with γ-Rays from 137Cs.